July 03, 2012

Our first night out

Friday night Damo and I had our first night out together since Ava was born.  We'd organised to go to the Broncos Vs Sharkies game and spend the night at Limes hotel in the Valley - it has a funky roof top bar so the idea was instead of trekking around the valley from club to club just to enjoy a couple of drinks and then go back to our room.  Well like the times before Ava our plans went out the window, it started with an amazing win by the Sharks who were tipped to lose so of course I was on a bit of a high - we then met our friends for a 'couple' of drinks but come closing time ended up walking to another club and on our way back to the hotel picked up the usual 3am slice of pizza (exactly what I didn't want to do)! It was a fun night out but not something that I miss doing and after I lay down in the bed I thought about how much our life has changed in the past year and I don't mind the change at all. 
Also on the weekend Ava got her first cold - it's horrible to see her suffering through it and not being able to do much for her but she is still the best little baby even while she is sick and still gives us the biggest smiles.  We caught up with friends on Sunday for lunch and Ava loved sitting back listening to everyone chat I think she's going to be a bit of a social butterfly, I also think she knew one of her new bestfriends was in my girlfriends tummy waiting to come out soon!


  1. Haha! Sounds like you guys had a great night...you must remember that you never say out loud "im not having a big night"...it always seems to happen after those words are muttered!!

    Hope Ava is feeling better!!

    Also....I can see where I can follow your blog :-(

    1. haha it was fun I'll def remember not to say it next time!

      Ava is doing a lot better thanks!! She's still so happy to sit and chat we really are lucky to have such a laid back little bub.

      Umm I'm really not sure with the following? I've added a few things on the side don't know it that helps? I followed you by adding you to my reading list on my bloggers profile :)

  2. Ava is so loveable! And her giraffe beanie is super cute!
