February 22, 2013

Valentine's day

This Valentine's day started out the best way any day could - with pancakes!! I got up a bit earlier and made some special ones for damo and some mini ones for Ava.  Damo had to work so Ava and I spent the day having tea party's and relaxing on the cushions - I think Ava has been watching her daddy too much with the poses she pulls while relaxing!  

February 13, 2013

The week that was

We have had such a full on week! Ava started walking BY HERSELF! I cannot say how proud I am of her! (Or how sore my back is getting being slightly hunched making sure she holds my hand in public). We went down the coast to meet our newest family member Hunter (my sisters new cat who is adorable)! Then went up the coast to catch up with friends and our godson Axel.
These next few weeks are going to be just as busy with meetings with wedding planners, photographers etc but we're looking forward to the fun!
So here's a few random pics from the past week I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed taking them.