April 28, 2013

Currumbin Beach

On Saturday we took Ava down the coast to the beach.  The weather lately has been amazing, although it's a little chilly in the morning by 8 it's already warmed up.  We used to be at the beach almost every week before we had Ava and have been so excited for Ava to get to the age where we could start going again and we feel like we're at that stage now.    Ava loves the water and wanted in as soon as we hit the sand, she also got to try her first burger from grilled and handled it like a pro! Hope you all had a happy weekend! 

April 23, 2013

The last few days

These last couple of days have been tough, I mean pour me a drink at 10am tough! Avas daycare mum is recovering from a big surgery so we've had to split looking after Ava between myself, Damo and our families.  I've taken this whole week off work and was so looking forward to spending every day playing with Ava, little did I know the last two days were some of the hardest I've had with her.  I know a lot of people don't believe in teething but it's the only thing I can put it down to. Ava wouldn't let me put her down and constantly cried no matter what I tried.  She hated the beach, she hated the play park,  she hated her books, she hated her snacks, she hated getting her nappy changed, she hated being in the car - and this was all from my little girl that is usually so easy going!  So I started using the bonjela and panadol and wouldn't you know it this morning we had a tooth cut AND a much happier little girl!! Today she loved her breakfast,  she loved playing with her blocks, she loved reading books and ahe loved the play park.  So here are some of the snaps I took at the park today all smiles!

April 18, 2013


Lately we've been taking Ava to the parks around our area, she loves the slides and just running around on the grass - I love just being outside in the sun and watching her investigate everything new.  Here's a few snaps we've managed to get